Functional Medicine

At Frontier Spine and Health Care we believe in not only finding the root cause of disease, but also trying to prevent and predict it. Below you can discover the different types of tests may be need to run in order to determine why you feel the way you do. We use conventional medical tests as well as some functional tests to interpret what your symptoms are telling us. It may seem similar to an evaluation from a medical doctor, however we go much deeper as we not only rule out pathology, but also will determine the efficiency of your body’s different functions like detox, anti-oxidant status, energy production, immune balance, digestive function and hormone balance. In some cases we may even need to look at how your DNA is playing a role in your current illness or risk for developing one. There are many studies showing that different variations in our DNA can contribute to cardiovascular risk, neurodegenerative risk, mental disorders risk, and even autoimmune risk. We may recommend DNA to help make our treatment plans even more specific. It does not get much more individualized than your own DNA!

These studies can also be useful when future parents are planning to have a family. According to researchers, 40% of the population suffers from a genetic variant that can increase the risk for B vitamin deficient birth defects. If you are not feeling like yourself, been to multiple doctors who don’t have answers, or planning a family, ask how our testing can help you today!

Immune System Evaluation Panels

We utilize a variety of tests and test panels to aid in the evaluation and management of very complex diseases where the immune system is directly or indirectly involved. Many of the conditions we suffer from are a result of chronic underlying infections. By paying special attention to certain biomarkers we can determine how to best help the immune system.

GI Health Assessment

This is a stool test used to identify individuals with bacteria, parasite, fungus and Candida problems, and inflammation. It also identifies immune deficiencies within the GI tract. We have several stool tests available depending on the case history and symptom presentation. The stomach is one of the most important aspects of holistic care as it can be the entry point for not only nutrients but also infection and trigger to autoimmune diseases.

Nutritional Blood Analysis

This is a “wellness model” blood analysis. Most doctors only mention the specific items that are outside of what is known as “clinical ranges.” Clinical ranges are based largely on data from sick people. By the time some tests exceed the clinical range, the damage is already done to your body. To prevent this situation, we assess your test results using an ideal or “homeostatic” range. The homeostatic range is based on the ranges found in healthy people. This approach identifies nutritional needs; sub-optimal organ and gland function, and allows for correction before disease develops.

Adrenal Stress Indexing

The adrenal glands are two small glands located above the kidneys that produce steroid hormones. Adrenal gland dysfunction has been shown to induce blood sugar dysfunction, negatively impact thyroid hormones, decrease the liver’s ability to detoxify, decrease bone density, induce depression, encourage obesity, increase the risk factors for cardiovascular and neurological disease, negatively impact gastrointestinal health, suppress immunity, create sleep disturbance and negatively impact hormone regulation.

Neurotransmitter Analysis

The brain initiates signals to the body in the form of chemical messages called neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters further stimulate the body’s glands, which secrete hormones. These hormones travel throughout the body and attach to the organs of the body. Medical research has established a definite link between neurotransmitters and a number of conditions. It has been concluded that deficient or excessive neurotransmitter levels may be at the root of many of these conditions. Anxiety, fatigue, cravings, and even mood swings can indicate the necessity for a neurotransmitter test.

Hormone Analysis

Accurately evaluating hormone and endocrine function is a common and fundamental part of many patients work up. Effective assessment can provide important information for avoiding the negative side effects associated with hormone replacement therapies and for determining the appropriate use of natural medicines. An expanded hormone panel will often be performed along with an adrenal stress index test and neurotransmitter analysis to provide a through evaluation of neuro-endocrine function. Currently, we provide DUTCH tests to gain a deeper understanding of hormonal function. To learn more about these tests click here to go to their homepage.

Well Woman Testing

We offer yearly check ups including pelvic exams, pap smears, and a comprehensive vaginosis profile to keep women healthy and also to provide specific treatment for ailments such as recurring UTI’s or yeast infections, abnormal discharge, or abnormal pap screens.

Food Sensitivity Testing

This is a blood test that identifies delayed allergies (sometimes called sensitivities). Unlike “regular” allergies, delayed allergies can take up to 3 days to produce symptoms. Therefore they can often be difficult to identify without testing. If you have had skin testing for allergies, you were not tested for delayed allergies. Delayed allergies can be identified by a blood test called an ELISA test. This type of allergy testing is essential for identifying “hidden” allergies that may go undetected by traditional allergy testing methods.

pH Testing

It is important for your metabolic pH to be within a specific range in order for your body’s many chemical reactions to take place efficiently. An inappropriate metabolic pH also leave’s your body susceptible to infection and inflammation. A simple urine test taken first thing in the morning can tell if your body’s pH is within the proper limits.

Toxic Element/Heavy Metal Analysis

Heavy metals and other environmental toxins find their way into our air, soil and food. Identifying and addressing issues of toxicity within your body is crucial. This can be accomplished with a hair or urine sample.